i’m not a Crystal Castles fan, but for some reason, i am obsessed with this song. seriously, it’s like sonic euphoria for me. i wish i could get this in a tablet form.

i saw these Frenchies in Chicago two years ago. it was absolutely the biggest caricature of neo-hipster culture that i have ever witnessed. but i’m undeterred. i listen to this album at least 3 times a week. this album reminds me of riding the blue line home from work. back when times were a little more awesome than they are now.

Does It Offend You, Yeah? piqued my interest due to my appreciation for their name, and then my affinity for them sort of died off. and then at Lollapalooza ’08, i got to Grant Park really early by myself one day and caught these guys’ noon performance. (seriously, this band is not meant to be seen at noon in 85 degree heat in August, but whatever). this song is utterly swoon-worthy. mega-hearts. again, this song reminds me of Chicago times. ::wistful sigh::

Matt and Kim look like they would be fun to be around. everytime i see videos, interviews, or pictures of them, they are smiling really genuine smiles. and i’m not gonna lie, this cheesy-synthy-dancey pop is infectious. eff the haters.

and lastly, some Baltimore-Brooklynites by way of Oz, The Death Set. totally spazzy. fun fact: there are folks in this video that used to drink at the same watering hole i frequented long ago…